
How Many Tanning Sessions To Get A Base Tan

Are you looking for a golden glow but aren't sure what to expect? You might have a lot of questions, such as how long a session should last and whether your skin can burn. First of all, don't expect to see results after your first six minute session. How quickly you develop a golden tan depends on various factors from skin type to whether you're using tanning accelerators.

Below, we have answers to the most frequently asked sun bed tanning questions to guide you in getting the best results while also caring for your skin.

Can I Get A Tan After One Session?

All skins tan differently, but the most important factor to consider is your skin type. Usually, the skin will not tan after the first session, and the results only become visible after 3-5 sunbed tanning sessions. These sessions allow the skin to oxidize its melanin, darken the cells, and produce a tan. Lighter skin types may need a few extra sessions for the tan to deepen. And hey, this process cannot be rushed, so be patient.

How Often Should I Tan?

After completing your initial 3-5 tanning sessions, your skin needs regular maintenance to prevent the tan from fading. Two sessions a week should be enough to deepen your tan regardless of your skin type. However, if your tan starts to fade before the next visit, it is generally recommended to wait at least 48 hours in between each session. This allows the tan to build up consistently and the cells to develop safely. It also gives your skin a chance to rest, regenerate, and repair the damaged cells. Avoid unnecessary sessions to protect your skin from burns and brown spots.

How Long Does It Take to Get A Tan?

Usually, the results are noticeable after three tanning sessions, but it may take a few weeks of consistency to get a defined tan (at least 3-4 times weekly). If you are preparing a base tan before going on a holiday, consider starting tanning three weeks prior. If you plan to maintain a tan that you acquired during the holiday or one you already have, then one session a week would be enough.

Can I Use Tan Accelerators?

Being able to substitute a few sessions with tan accelerators may sound amazing, but the efforts might be worthless. Developing a tan in a gentle and managed manner is a matter of patience, and rushing the process could cause more harm than good. First, most tan accelerator formulas in the market are merely moisturizing lotions that promise to give fast results. Secondly, these lotions might react on your skin, causing burns and irritation.

But is it possible to accelerate your tanning process safely? Yes, with the right tan accelerator that contains skin stimulating ingredients and UV protection properties. A good indicator of an effective formula would be L-tyrosine, an ingredient that helps the skin produce a better and deeper tan quickly. It should also contain UV combating properties, such as antioxidants, carotenoids, and vitamins. Some high-end accelerators contain bronzer, a component that kick-starts your desired tan colour, resulting in beautiful, golden-hued skin.

How Does My Skin Type Affect Tanning Process?

As we've previously mentioned, your tan is heavily affected by your skin type, and understanding your this helps prevent burns, brown spots, and colour fading. Skin typing involves identifying how long one should stay in the sunbed and the number of sessions one will likely attend to see results. It also helps determine the natural resources that your skin has to protect against ultraviolet light. There are six different skin types.

How Can I Determine My Tanning Skin Type?

Skin Type One

The skin is pale white, often burns, and rarely tans.

Skin Type Two

The skin is usually very pale or white, green or blue eyes, and with red hair. It tans minimally and burns very easily.

Skin Type Three

The person has green or blue eyes, light beige skin, and light brown or blonde hair. The skin can burn easily, and tanning requires monitoring.

Skin Type Four

One has brown eyes and hair and light brown skin. There's no difficulty tanning, but the skin may burn.

Skin Type Five

Both hair and eyes are dark brown, with olive or light brown skin which tans easily.

Skin Type Six

The person has brown skin with dark brown eyes and hair. The skin tans easily and rarely burn.

Get in touch with Halo Salons today and book your sunbed session.

How Many Tanning Sessions To Get A Base Tan


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